Background & Focus
Our overall aim for the 2024-25 roadmap is to continue to focus on PAYG improvements and Credit Control. We will also begin looking into the consumer experience, with a view to enhancing the experience and providing more functionality for residents in Mabdeck. As a general aim, we will continue to work on existing Mabdeck infrastructure and performance, to ensure we’re building a reliable and efficient product.
Key Areas
- Credit Control
- PAYG Device Integration
- Consumer Improvements
Project Details
Credit Control
Early in 2024, we will begin Stage 1 of our overhaul of Credit Control functionality in Mabdeck. Initially, this will include rebuilding the background Credit Control infrastructure, to help maintain the scalability and efficiency of the functionality when we start to add more features. We’ll also include some small, additional, quality of life features as part of Stage 1, including the ability to set up customised Credit Control paths for initial, ongoing and final statements. We’ll also introduce user-set minimum debt levels from which to start tracking debt on an account, giving the user more control over when residents will be contacted and allowing the user to focus on the debt amounts which are important to them.
Stage 2 of the Credit Control overhaul will introduce payment plan functionality into Mabdeck, so that outstanding debts can be paid back regularly, and monitored for adherence. We will also implement a payment plan calculator for administrators to use, which will recommend a suggested monthly payment value based on outstanding debt and historic statement values.
Stage 3 of the Credit Control overhaul will introduce SMS as a possible Credit Control action, with the aim of improving the Credit Control experience for the resident too.
Finally, in Stage 4 we intend to make the Credit Control engine smarter generally, with the addition of further Credit Control actions, including automated MBUS disconnect.
As always, if you have any suggestions for our Credit Control overhaul please do get in touch!
Multi-factor authentication and social media login
We will implement multi-factor authentication in Mabdeck for administrators, as an extra security measure upon login.
We will expand login methods for consumers, with the ability to sign on using a social media login, including Facebook, Apple and Google sign on, making their online account even easier to set up and access.
PAYG Device Integration
We'll be implementing deeper integration with the PAYG hubs we work with and increased consumer flexibility and experience around PAYG use. This will include easier payments, tariff integrations and much more!
We will continue to expand our Orbit offering, adding the ability to set up flexible friendly disconnect periods, or custom emergency credit limits. This will provide administrators with a flexible and efficient way of billing PAYG customers, along with the ability to use Orbit in such a way that it protects our most vulnerable residents.
We also intend to expand our integration with existing payment methods, by adding the ability to set up a recurring Stripe payment for Credit and PAYG users, as well as further integration with PayPoint cash payments, to receive these in real time.
Consumer Improvements
A large proportion of our time will be spent on elevating the consumer experience. This will include an overhaul of the consumer dashboard and new features specific to consumers, including ability to set budgets, remote supply control and an Alexa app.
We want to ensure that the process for contacting your own customers is straightforward too, by introducing consumer campaign management in Mabdeck. Informing customers of network or client wide information, such as network maintenance, resident engagement or surveys or tariff changes will become quick and
painless. Configurable for all communication methods available, from notes on statements and custom generated letters, to banners on the consumer dashboard and email or text notifications.
We also want to expand the Mabdeck offering, so that customer complaints can be tracked within the Mabdeck portal, rather than outside of it in a separate external system. To achieve this, we will add complaint functionality into Mabdeck, so that you can set up a custom complaint process for your residents. We will provide full visibility of complaints which have been set up on accounts, so that you can monitor and reassign outstanding complaints if required, to ensure your customer is being taken care of. Automated actions can be set up as part of the complaint process, so your customers will remain updated each step of the way, as well as notifications to Mabdeck administrators prompting complaints to be consistently updated.
Future Considerations
- Future consumption prediction based on historic readings and site averages, with the ability to use this for fixed Direct Debit/Payment Plan calculation
- Stripe auto-topup integration based on a PAYG unit reaching a specific balance.
- Overhaul of Mabdeck permissions
- Post fulfilment integration with Docmail
But more than anything, we want Mabdeck to work the best that it can for you and your consumers. So if you've got any great suggestions for improvements, ideas for brand new features or suggestions for collaboration, just submit a request