Using an online account, your customers can view their statements, meter readings and consumption. They will also be able to pay their bills, if you’re using an integrated payment method and if you have PAYG meters installed, they will also be able to see the information on their PAYG meter including their latest balance. Online accounts invitations can be sent in bulk upon account creation, or individually from the customer’s account.
A customer with an online account will be considered a paperless customer, and will receive bills and correspondence online, rather than in a paper form. For more details on the e-billing process, check out our help article here.
Before you Begin
An account will need an email address before you can send out an invitation. Edit the account to add an email address if there isn't one already.
Sending a Consumer Dashboard Invitation Email
Click the Accounts tab on the left of the screen, and search for the account you would like to invite to join the dashboard. Click on their name to view their account page.
Select a language that you would like to send out the invite in. The consumer dashboard will also appear in this language, however this can be changed by the resident at a later date on they have logged in.
Click the ‘Send Invite Email’ button. This will send an email to the customer and prompt them to click a link in the email to create a password. This will be sent from as default, unless you have set up a custom domain to send the emails from. Please see our help article for details on how to set this up.
After the resident has created a password and logged in, they will then have access to their own Online Account. The user will be prompted to accept the Terms and Conditions before accessing the dashboard for the first time. For more details on how to add your own Terms and Conditions please see the Communication Templates article.
Once an online account has been successfully created, the status of the account on the customer’s account page will update to "True", so you'll be able to check if the online account has been successfully set up. You can also check the system ‘Logs and Notes’ to check when emails have been sent out.
Sending Consumer Dashboard Invitations in Bulk
Online account invitations can be sent at the point of Account upload on Mabdeck, using the Accounts Bulk Import template. You'll just need to ensure you populate the SendInvitation column with ‘True’ and the invitation emails will be sent upon upload of the template. More information on bulk importing accounts can be found here.
Consumer Dashboard Self-Sign Up
Your customers are also able to sign up to the consumer dashboard on their own terms, by filling in a registration form. This means that you won't need to send out any invites, the resident will simply need to sign up from the consumer dashboard page. For further information on self-sign up and how this works, check out our help article.