Feature release history
Take a look back at some of the great additions we've made to Mabdeck. Below are all the changes to functionality made since Mabdeck was first released in summer 2018. We never stop striving to improve Mabdeck so it works the best it can for our customers and consumers.
In addition to these updates and upgrades, we're constantly releasing small tweaks, repairing bugs and fine tuning existing features. If you've got any questions on recent releases including these just Submit a Request.
- Billing profiles & new statement generation - 24/05/2021
A newly built statement generation engine to improve functionality and performance of the billing management and statement generation process. Designed to be more flexible to use across multiple clients and networks, easier to maintain and improving system outputs.
- Easier setup and utilisation of billing information across client and network levels through billing profiles that can be assigned to multiple accounts and networks.
- Faster & more efficient statement generation
- Simple to use billing modules to manage unit rate consumption, time based billing and cooling capacity charging
- Aggregated billing file outputs
- Stripe payments integration - 17/03/2021
Integration with the leading payments platform Stripe. With only one integration required to be able to offer Apple Pay, Google Pay and standard card payments. Payments can now be made in the consumer dashboard, with the posting and updating of payments made automatically to Mabdeck. To setup your Stripe Integration, make sure you have your account with them set up already, and simply follow the process for adding a payment provider.
- Network International Integration - 08/02/2021
Mabdeck now supports payments via Network International. If you have a Network International payments account, you can configure Mabdeck to allow your customers to make card payments via their consumer dashboard login. To setup your Network International Integration, make sure you have your account with them set up already, and simply follow the process for adding a payment provider.
- New currencies - 08/02/2021
Added support for Australian Dollars (AUD) and New Zealand Dollars (NZD) into Mabdeck.
- Extended sign up period for consumer dashboard - 10/11/2020
We've extended the timeout period for consumer dashboard sign up emails to 14 days. We had some complaints that the time allowed wasn't sufficient for consumers, so we've made sure it's suitable for our consumers.
- New data logger type - 10/11/2020
A new category of data collector device for the CMi2110
- Direct debit file naming 25/09/2020
We've added the ability to change the direct debit file naming conventions to make export/import between systems easier.
- New placeholders - 06/08/2020
We've added some new placeholders for credit control actions. These are:
- balance as of billing up to date
- additional accountholder
- Auto-publishing credit control actions - 02/06/2020
Added the option for automatic publishing of credit control correspondence for consumers using the consumer dashboard to ease administration burden.
- System notes on account pages - 02/06/2020
Automatic system actions now posted to accounts Logs & Notes for review by administrators
- New placeholders - 02/06/2020
We've added some new placeholders for credit control actions. These are:
- Updated Payment Due Date
- Original Statement Due Date
- Consumption Billed
- Consumer self sign up - 19/03/2020
We've changed the sign up process for consumer dashboard users. Consumers can now register their own online accounts using their unique account information. Consumers can still be invited by administrators from the accounts dashboard.
Reporting updates - 19/03/2020
We've updated our reporting pages to allow client level reporting as well as network level. In addition, we've added a new report and changed a few:
- Meter hit-rate report - a report to see the % of meters with at least 1 read in a specified period. (new)
- Updated reports include: Missing meter read report, Active meters report, Consumption report, Payments received report, Account balance report, Property/account summary report, Last meter reading report, Aged debt report, Last billed report, Direct debit payment report.
- Credit notes page update - 19/03/2020
We've updated our credit notes page to enhance the search and filtering capabilities, to make it easier to find specific credit notes.
- Credit control correspondence page update - 19/03/2020
We've updated the user interface on the credit control correspondence page to make it easier to manage and view more records on a single page.
- iPhone and Android apps - 14/03/2020
We've released a new, brand-able iPhone and Android app for consumers managed through Mabdeck. The app offers consumers the ability to manage their energy accounts, and lets clients choose the colours, logo and app name to complement their own brand.
- End of year summaries - 15/01/2020
We've added end of year summaries for accounts on Mabdeck, to provide consumers with summaries of their annual energy usage and spend.
- Consumer dashboard managament - 15/01/2020
We've updated the consumer dashboard management interface to make it easier to add, edit and remove consumer dashboard users.
- Payment confirmation emails - 11/12/2019
We've added the option for payment confirmation emails, for payments received into Mabdeck where receipt confirmation is needed.
- Configurable consumer dashboard pages - 11/12/2019
We've added the ability to configure and deploy the splash page for consumer dashboard logins for each client.
- Accounts management updates - 13/11/2019
We've updated the accounts management page to make is easier to view account correspondence. We now also save searches between the accounts page and accounts summary, to make it easier to navigate through multiple accounts.
- MBus Control - 13/11/2019
We've added a new service to Mabdeck for supply control. MBus control allows administrators to remotely toggle supplies on and off in properties, for use in a debt management process, control of void property supplies, or for maintenance. Requires specific onsite hardware.
- Mini-statement emails - 13/11/2019
Consumers can now be automatically sent mini-statement emails when signed up to the consumer dashboard. The email gives basic statement information and directs users to login for full statement information.
- Year on year consumption graph placeholder - 04/11/2019
We've added a new placeholder for year on year consumption that can be included on statements and correspondence.
- Configurable consumption graph - 04/11/2019
We've updated the consumer dashboard consumption graph to give people more ability to play around with their consumption history. Consumers can now update the time period of the graph to see different trends in their weekly, monthly and yearly consumption.
- Ready Manager data robot - 18/10/2019
A new data robot for importing outputs from the Kamstrup Ready Manager.
- Faulty meter flags - 27/09/2019
Meters can now be marked as faulty in Mabdeck to mark equipment with known and confirmed faulty equipment before a meter exchange takes place.
- Configurable auto-email address - 27/09/2019
You can now specify the email address for auto-emails generated in Mabdeck, to utilise your own organisations donotreply email address.
- Accounts page updates - 27/09/2019
We've made changes to the statements and credit notes review section of the accounts page, and made it possible to credit and reverse statements directly from the account.
- Izar Net data robot
A new data robot for importing outputs from the Diehl Izar Net.
- Integration with Telr - 13/08/2019
Integration with Telr for consumer dashboard online payments through the Telr service.
- Sticky Note - 13/08/2019
Sticky note added to accounts page, so you can pin important account notes to the top of the account. Useful for important vulnerability, security or account information.
- Agresso report update - 30/08/2019
The agresso report has been updated to include credit & debit transactions.
- Welcome letter/email notification - 30/08/2019
We've added email notifications for welcome letters, so that consumers with dashboard access can be prompted to view and download their welcome letter, saving postage and paper!
- Reports update - 12/08/2019
We've updated our reports to allow email as a scheduled output. We've also introduced high frequency reporting (down to 5 minutely), for report outputs for financial and energy analytics systems.
- Guru integration - 12/08/2019
We've integrated Mabdeck with the Guru Systems hubs to complement our PAYG functionality. Mabdeck can now be used to manage Guru hubs alongside Secure hubs. Requires specific onsite equipment.
- Arabic language translations - 18/07/2019
Arabic language translations have been added to the consumer dashboard!
- Report updates - 03/07/2019
Report schedules can now be linked with notification groups to updated on successful and failed reports.
- Izar centre data robot - 21/06/2019
A new data robot for importing outputs from the Diehl Izarcentre.
- New user permission role - 10/06/2019
We've added a new user permission for "Network Administrators". Suitable for use with users that need access to network and hardware pages and data, but not consumer billing information.
- Report updates - 10/06/2019
Scheduled report email confirmations now include a link to the generated report.
- Recurring reminders - 03/06/2019
We've added recurring reminders to Mabdeck, so you can now schedule those recurring tasks to make sure you don't forget.
- Additional contacts added to accounts - 03/06/2019
We've added additional account contacts, which can be viewed from the accounts page.
- Payment cards updates - 23/05/2019
We've improved the payment card provision in Mabdeck.
- Payment cards can now be used for credit billing accounts as well as PAYG
- There is a new placeholder for the payment card number and bar-code to include on correspondence.
- Payment card details are now shown in the consumer dashboard
- Configurable graph on consumer dashboard 12/04/2019
An energy consumption graph has been added to the consumer dashboard!
- iPhone app - 14/03/2019
We've released a new iPhone app that can be used for consumer account self management.
- Swedish language translations - 25/01/2019
Swedish language translations have been added to the consumer dashboard!
- Master language files for consumer dashboard - 16/12/2018
We've added a master language file for the consumer dashboard! This allows us to easily configure the consumer dashboard to make additional language options available to consumers.
- WorldPay integration - 15/11/2018
We've integrated Mabdeck with the WorldPay Online payment service. This allows you to use your own WorldPay Online account to take card payments through the consumer dashboard. Requires your own WorldPay Online account.
- PayPoint file automatic importation - 12/10/2018
We can now automatically processes PayPoint payment files for Multipay and over the counter payments.
- Secure Hub integration - 28/09/2018
We've integrated Mabdeck with the Secure Liberty 100 Systems to complement so you can manage your Secure PAYG hubs through Mabdeck. Requires specific onsite equipment.
- PAYG Management in Mabdeck
We've added PAYG account management into Mabdeck, so we can integrate your meter and billing platform with your choice of PAYG hardware providers.
- Mabdeck Version 1 release -30/08/2018
Our first release of Mabdeck for energy networking metering and billing!
You can use Mabdeck for administering your energy network metering and billing processes, including:
- Managing network and property details
- Managing your metering assets and importing, processing and validating meter reads
- Automatic processing of Elvaco readings files
- Creating and managing consumer billing accounts
- Generating and managing consumer credit bills for multiple utilities, and in multiple currencies
- Generating, scheduling and storing operational reports
- Managing payment methods, including direct debit payments and files
- Creating bespoke and automated credit control processes
- Generating consumer correspondence including welcome letters, credit control correspondence and statements
- Proving consumers with a convenient consumer dashboard to view and manage their accounts online
We've built Mabdeck to grow and evolve with us and our customers, so there is more to come!
If you want more information on what Mabdeck can do right now, and how to use it for your internal metering and billing, please get in touch at info@sycous.com.