Please find below the release notes for release 2024.3
General Overview & Impact
We have made changes to be able to process electric read files sent from the Secure HES
system. Mabdeck will receive these reads files from secure and ran through our reads
processor, automatically adding these reads to the correct meter.
This release contains a number of features built by our colleagues at FIT, for use in the UAE
market. This includes the additions of the IBAN and Swift fields along with more development
on the security deposit feature. These features will only be available for UAE clients.
We have done some development work to be able to use the new version of the Stripe API,
Payments made via the consumer dashboard & the app will be unaffected by this change.
We've made some improvements to the performance of the Data Loggers page, clients and
users should see a dramatic difference in the speed and responsiveness of these pages.
As part of the ongoing work to upgrade Mabdeck, there are some more changes in this
release which will help towards that. Although you won't be able to see these changes
themselves, be assured that the code is being tweaked and improved in the background, and
we hope your front end experience will become a lot smoother as a result of this too.
New Features
- Stripe API Upgrade
- Ability to process electric reads from Secure HES
Security Deposit
- Ability to remove a security deposit amount
- Ability to generate a security deposit transaction when moving a tenant in
- Reverse Flow differences not pulling through on Meter Read Reports
- Meter read search on account page/property page
- DataLoggers - rewrite using new pagination workflow
- Standardise Response from Readings API