Please find below the release notes for release 2023.7
A number of the features in this release involve the work done on the implementation of
Stripe Recurring Payments in the Consumer Dashboard. Here, Consumer Dashboard users will
be able to set up, amend and cancel a recurring payment subscription with Stripe.
You'll now be able to access your vulnerable, on hold and red flag accounts more easily.
We've added a status filter to the account search page, so you can quickly filter between each
account type.
Although you won't be able to see these changes, a lot of work has been done to update and
upgrade Mabdeck. We hope to focus more on this in the future too, just generally to improve
the Mabdeck backend and make running the code more efficient.
We have also focused on fixing bugs, and have made some smaller improvements so that
we can improve the user experience for existing functionality.
New Features
- Ability to Cancel a Stripe Recurring Payment Subscription (Statement Billing)
- Ability to set up a Stripe Recurring Payment on the Consumer Dashboard (Top Up)
- Ability to Amend a Stripe Recurring Payment Subscription On Consumer Dashboard (Top
Up) - Ability to Cancel a Stripe Recurring Payment Subscription (PAYG)
- Stripe Recurring Payment - Auto Cancel Prepayment Subscription
- Mabdeck API Endpoint For Pending Account Requests
- Adding Account Status Filter to the Account Search Page
- Statement Email - Trigger System Note
- Change of owner form - Limit invalid move in date
- Removal of unused code
- CSS and JavaScript
- Change to Dapper Call
- Notifications performance
- New placeholder for total transactions between generation dates
- Show Power BI on the front end
- Refactor/ Rewrite
- CommunicationTemplateRepository.GetTemplatesFromBillingProfileNetworks
- ChargeRepository.ChargeUsedOnStatement (all ChargeTypes) -
- PropertySearch.GetAvailablePropertiesForMoveIn as stored procedure
- Readings Search - Non-user friendly error message
- Consumption Report pulling through Inactive Meters
Hidden on the front end/behind a feature flag
- Orbit Credit Mode Changes
- Do not add hubs to Orbit on creation (add form)
- Do not add hubs to Orbit on creation (import)