Please find below the release notes for release 2023.4
New Features
- New Readings Robot
- Ability to download correspondence in Bulk
- Ability to leave a note on a billing run
- Ability to pause a validation advisory notification
- Admin Users - Force Password Reset
- Add Company Name To Account Modals
Orbit Updates
- Ability to select an Orbit tariff on an account
- Ability to add multiple charges to an Orbit hub
- Update supply type in Orbit, when meter is edited in Mabdeck
- Orbit tariffs - do not allow tariff end dates in the past
- Handle change of mode when Element IOT is down
- Orbit Tariff - time-based charge options
- End charges when changing to credit mode
- Ability to end Charges in Orbit API
- Receiving Charge Information when new meters are added
- PAYG Tariff - New Charge Added To Existing Billing Profile
- Validation Advisories - Mark Meter As Faulty
App Updates
General fixes for login & profile page
Updates for profile page
Ability to handle dark mode
Submit reading improvements
Usage graph
Ability to update contact details
- Apostrophes displaying incorrectly in Mabdeck
- Correspondence Page - Clicking item in the filter dropdown causes error
- Hardware & Supplies - Supply Point - Client/network/property list not alphabetical
- Hardware & Supplies - Supply Point - Weight & Technical Factor fields show incorrect
validation message for invalid content - Fix for viewing notes on the notes page
- Fix for consumer dashboard error, when resetting password for an invalid user
- Fix for Client items per page
- Fix for main contact showing on client setup page
- Fix for page controls not updating client setup page
- Fix for virtual meter groups not showing correct information
- Fix for send to server not showing correct options, on the schedule report form
- Fix for Accounts back to search button not working
- Fix for being unable to add a Mabdeck user
- Fix for adding a property through the add supply point form
- Fix for Property Owners import button not showing an error when nothing is uploaded
- Add a Schedule - Run Time No Error Validation
- Fix for negative readings being added to Mabdeck
- Fix for no validation on recovery rate field
- Added validation on Add a Stage form
- Fix for Transfer Server reference being overwritten on edit
- Account payment reference character limit validation
- Validation for removing a flag on an accoun
- Communication templates - client list is not alphabetical
- User management - Show correct validation message when email already in use
- Statement Review - Sorting by Status of Statement is reversed
- Cannot change Account IDs on Mabdeck
- Fix for client not being created when logo image is invalid
- Fix for statement review sorting - Property Address
- Fix for statement review sorting - Account Number
- Direct Debit collection file offset is saved on edit
- Fix for downloading scheduled summary showing empty .zip file
- Fix for account showing duplicate bills on the front end
- Fix for in App PDFs not opening correctly
- Ability to show less than 12 months on peer comparison graph
- Peer comparison to run for the number of months it has missed
- Ability to link a data logger to a meter on the Hardware and Supplies page
- Adding "Created by" to the transactions table on the View Account page
- Add Telnet Port Number to the Add/Edit a Datalogger form
- Ability to edit network prepayment details
- Show vulnerable networks on the property page
- UI updates to Add New Property Owner modal
- Billing Profile tariffs and charges performance improvements
- IZAR net robot changes
- Remove number of properties counter
- Mark Meter as Faulty Improvements
- Generate Statement Performance - Selecting Client/Network/Property
- Changes to Short Protocol robot