Please find below the release notes for Release 4.4
Testing for this release started on 14/10/2022
- Ability to set a balance on an Orbit hub
- Show Orbit hub balance on the Consumer Dashboard
- Ability to change an Orbit hub into prepayment mode (backend development)
Stripe payments to top up PAYG hubs
- Allow user to select hub when making a Stripe payment
- Stripe payments to top up Secure/Guru hubs
- Show vend code for a successful Stripe payment
- Stripe payments to top up Orbit hubs
- Execute Stripe refund when a vend fails
- Update Welcome Letter tariff placeholders to use billing profile tariffs
- Updated authentication for new Mabdeck endpoints - EE monitor API
- Removal of redundant tariff tables
- Removal of redundant validation tables
- Removal of VioValidator Project
- Update last billed dates when pre-ssg statements are reversed
- Take into account Reading Import factor in Readings API
- Ability to add a negative charge to a billing profile