Please find below the release notes for Release 4.0.
Testing for this release began on the 06/12/2021.
This release is now scheduled for 10/06/2022!
If you have any questions, please get in touch with our team by emailing or by giving our Support Team a call on 0113 360 4776.
Readings API
- All readings in Mabdeck will now be processed through Readings API
- Allows readings to be pushed into Mabdeck from 3rd party systems
- Facilities easier integration with prepayment hardware
- Updated the Secure Balance data robot
- Update peer comparison to use function apps
- Consumer Dashboard graph to use Readings API
- Updated the meter manufacturer field to be a required field
- Updated all existing data robots to use function apps, as well as creating new data robots
Vulnerable Customer Functionality
- New vulnerability settings page
- Ability to flag a network as vulnerable
- Ability to add vulnerability details to an account
- Ability to remove vulnerability from a customer’s account
- Ability to add/edit vulnerability categories
- Ability to delete a vulnerability policy
- View vulnerability policy on the account page
- View vulnerability policy on the consumer dashboard
- Ability to save historic authorised person details
- Ability to upload/download vulnerability policies
- Additional functionality to be able to use Orbit as a payment provider in Mabdeck
- Ability to set up a virtual Orbit hub
- Ability to link a meter to a virtual Orbit hub
- New page for validation settings
- New page for validation advisories – validation will now be completed at meter level, rather than reading level.
- Ability for payment chargebacks to automatically update in Mabdeck
- Ability to manually cancel a Direct Debit mandate
- Ability to cancel a fixed Direct Debit subscription
- Show pending GoCardless payments in the pending payments table
- Ability to manually cancel a pending Direct Debit payment
- GoCardless payments to have a payment type of Direct Debit Payment
- Updates to the fixed subscription form
- Ability for refunds to automatically update in Mabdeck
- Ability to delete GoCardless as a payment provider
- Cancel GoCardless payment if statement is reversed
- Ability for subscriptions to automatically update in Mabdeck
- Autopublish letters will only take place for Consumer Dashboard accounts
Miscellaneous Improvements
- Ability to generate a scheduled summary
- New placeholders for scheduled summaries
- Changes to the meters import page to provide more information about uploading meter manufacturers
- Customer Service Email placeholder for email templates
- Additional Welcome Letter correspondence placeholders
- Additional placeholders for Consumer Dashboard Invitation Email template
- Do not allow a user to edit a billing profile, if they do not have permission to all clients on the billing profile
- Update the Network Payment Failure message
- Extend client name character limits
- Billing Run Schedules page – front end changes
- Make account reference a clickable link in a billing run
- Ability to add payment card number to a Welcome Letter
- Hide old statements buttons on the statements tab
- Payment confirmation email – login link placeholders
- Improvements to performance on the Billing Runs page
- Fix for Heat Cost Allocator readings being posted to Mabdeck incorrectly
- Fix for payments not being in chronological order on statements
- Fix for most recent statement number not showing on the consumer dashboard
- Fix for bulk Welcome Letter generation sending to owners instead of tenants
- Fix for incorrect customer service email placeholder on payment confirmation emails
- Fix for reset password email not showing html content
- Fix for Direct Debit letters not generating in the name of the bank account holder
- Fix for indent before consumer name, on statement templates
- Fix issue with dashboard penguin page, caused by notifications timing out
- Hardware & Supplies – added in units for sewerage meters
- Fix for incomplete billing runs widget showing incorrect value
- Fix for being unable to update a payment reference number
- Fix for incorrect error message when generating a statement for a meter changeover period, when readings cannot be estimated
- Fix for statements not generating over a meter changeover period
- Fix for statements not publishing when consumer dashboard email is invalid