Having access to your Mabdeck network will also mean that you have access to all meter readings which have been added or created in the system and posted to the meters. All readings can be managed through the property page for that meter, or the account page that is moved into the property you are checking readings for. You'll be able to view, add, amend and delete readings from this page.
Viewing Meter Readings on a Property
While Mabdeck provides a number of reports which bring through data on the meter readings in Mabdeck, if you're just looking to check an individual reading on a meter it might be more useful to search readings on the individual property.
Click the properties tab on the left of your screen, search for your property, then click on the record which appears.
On the property page, scroll down to the bottom of the page to the Search Meter Readings section.
Select your property, supply and meter, then choose your date range. Click search to show readings on the meter within your selected date range.
Meter Read Types
Mabdeck offers a range of reading types, so that you can identify how readings have been added to the system, and the legitimacy of the readings. You can find out about the different read types below. For information on adding a manual meter reading, see our help article.
Automatic Meter Reading - Automatic Meter Reads are those which have been processed by a data robot and uploaded to Mabdeck automatically. The frequency with which these readings are uploaded will depend on the read frequency that the data logger device has been set to. An Automatic Meter Read will appear as an actual reading on a statement.
Client Manual - A Client Manual read type can be used to demonstrate that the reading has been manually taken by the client and uploaded into Mabdeck. This will show as an actual reading on a statement
Client Estimate - A Client Estimate read type can be used to demonstrate that the reading has been estimated by the Mabdeck user. This will show as an estimated reading on a statement
Consumer Manual - A Consumer Manual read type is generated when a customer uploads a meter reading through the consumer dashboard. The Consumer Manual readings will be validated before they are posted to Mabdeck, and will appear as an actual reading on a statement.
System Generated Estimate - A System Generated Estimate is generated automatically by Mabdeck, when there is no reading in the system for a billing date. System Generated Estimates can be uploaded manually by the user too and will show as estimate on a statement.
Amending Meter Readings
You will only be able to amend a reading if no statements have been generated which use this reading. If you would like to amend a reading which is included on a statement, you will first need to reverse the statement which includes this reading.
Readings may need to be amended if they have been added incorrectly, or you would like to manually amend an estimate which has been added.
Search for the meter reading you would like to amend from the Search Meter Readings section of the property page, then click the edit icon next to the reading you would like to amend.
You can choose to amend the reading type, or the reading value. Click the tick icon on the right of the screen to save your changes.
Confirm you would like to override the reading by clicking Save on the popup box which appears.
Deleting Meter Readings
You will only be able to delete a reading if no statements have been generated which use this reading. If you would like to delete a reading which is included on a statement, you will first need to reverse the statement which includes this reading.
A reading where the value has been added inaccurately, or a reading added to the incorrect meter may need to be deleted.
Search for the meter reading you would like to delete from the Search Meter Readings section of the property page, then click the trash can icon next to the reading you would like to delete.
Confirm you would like to override the reading by clicking Save on the popup box which appears.
Any readings which are deleted will be removed from Mabdeck, and if they are then required again they will need to be re-added manually.