You can access validation errors from the dashboard screen, the validation tab, or from the Hardware and Supplies section of System Configuration, where a meter has readings which have failed validation.
The validation errors page will show a breakdown of readings which have caused meters to fail validation, per validation type. Readings which appear in validation errors will not appear in any read reports or on any statements until they have been approved.
- Click the Validation Tab on the navigation bar on the left-hand side of the screen.
- Click Validation Errors to be taken to the validation errors page
- Flick through the tabs at the top of the screen to view readings which have failed validation. If more than one reading has failed validation on the same meter, each reading which has failed will appear in the validation errors table. You can search by client, network, meter serial number etc to filter the tables. You can also click on column headers to sort information.
- The meters tab will show a list of meters which have failed validation, rather than the individual readings. Any instances of Zero Consumption will be logged on this page too. Zero consuming meters will be removed from validation as soon as the readings start to increment once again.
Approving (or Rejecting) Readings from Validation
You may decide to approve readings from validation if you are happy that they are accurate. Once readings are approved, they can appear on statements and in meter read reports.
- Click the Validation Tab on the navigation bar on the left-hand side of the screen.
- Click Validation Errors to be taken to the validation errors page
- Click the check box next to the reading which you would like to approve
- Select Approve to publish the reading to the system or reject to delete the reading. Once rejected the reading will be deleted from Mabdeck
- Click Confirm to confirm that you would like to approve or reject the reading
Validation and the Hardware and Supplies page
When readings for a meter fail validation, the meter is flagged and an alarm symbol will appear next to the Meter Status in the Hardware and Supplies section of Mabdeck.
You can click the red alarm symbol, and it will take you directly to the validation errors page for you to check readings which have failed for this meter.