Using Credit Control in Mabdeck will allow you to automatically generate letters, emails and telephone actions to prompt your residents to pay their bills.
You are required to download and print out the letters in Mabdeck so that they are published to the accounts and sent to the residents, however for residents with an online consumer dashboard account you can choose to automatically publish those letters, ensuring less printing and posting costs for you!
The auto-publish Credit Control correspondence feature can be toggled on or off at client level, from the client setup page.
Click the edit cog next to the client where you would like to enable this feature, and select whether to enable or disable auto-publishing of Credit Control Correspondence. Click Edit at the bottom of the form to save your changes.
Enabling this feature will ensure that Credit Control stages which have a letter action will automatically publish to accounts where a consumer dashboard user has been set up. The letters won't appear on the Credit Control Correspondence page so you won't need to download them, and they will automatically be archived on the Correspondence page.
The letters which are automatically published will become available to view on the resident's consumer dashboard portal, and they'll also receive an email advising that they have a new Credit Control Letter ready to view.
You can see the letters on the admin portal too. They'll appear on the Correspondence section of the account page in Mabdeck, and a note will be added to the account to advise that the letter was published.
This feature will only be available if you have a Credit Control process set up, with letter actions. For help on how to set up the Credit Control procedure, check out our help article!