If a letter action has been set up on a stage of Credit Control, letters will automatically generate in Mabdeck for accounts which reach this stage of Credit Control. You can check if letters have generated on the Credit Control Correspondence page.
Click the Finance tab in Mabdeck, then click on Credit Control Correspondence.
Any letters which have generated, but have not yet been downloaded and published to accounts will appear here. We would recommend downloading these letters on a daily basis to keep up to date with Credit Control correspondence.
Select the check box next to all letters you would like to download, then click the Download button at the top of the screen.
Letters will download into a .zip file, ready for you to print and sent out to your residents. A note will be added to the account page for each resident when a Credit Control letter is generated, so there will be a full log of correspondence which has generated on the account.
The Credit Control correspondence page will include letters for residents who have an online consumer dashboard account set up too. Those residents will also receive an email when their letter is downloaded, advising them to log into the consumer dashboard and view their new letter.
If you would like to set Mabdeck up to automatically publish Credit Control letters for online users, so that letters for online users don't have to be downloaded and printed, you can check out our article on automatically publishing Credit Control correspondence here.
Further information?
If you're looking for information on setting up a Credit Control process, or details on what each of the Credit Control actions do, check out our other articles.