This article will cover each of the available Credit Control Actions which are available in Mabdeck, offering more information about how each action works and how to set up the actions in Mabdeck.
To set up the actions themselves, this will involve setting up a Credit Control process. You can check out our help article if you need more information on how to set this up!
Phone Call Actions
If you choose to set up a phone call action, a notification will generate for the specified Mabdeck user(s) to remind them to make the phone call. You must specify the user(s) who will receive this notification.
You can also choose whether the phone action will be linked to the tenant or owner account on the property.
Email Actions
To send an email when an account is in Credit Control, select the email tab on the action form. You can specify the content of the email, and whether it will be sent to the owner or tenant of the property. Emails will automatically be sent to the chosen user when they reach the stage of Credit Control which has an email action.
You can specify the content of the email by using placeholders to refer to specific information on an account, such as the outstanding balance or account number. To insert a placeholder into the text, select the placeholder you would like to use from the list, and specify if you would like to insert this into the subject or body of the email.
Letter Actions
To send out a letter when an account is in Credit Control, select the letter tab on the action form. Letter correspondence will generate automatically when a user reaches that stage of Credit Control and must be downloaded to be sent to the resident. If the resident has an online account set up they will also receive an email when the CC letter generates, to advise that they have a Credit Control letter ready to view on the consumer dashboard.
You can choose to enable auto-publishing of letters for accounts with a consumer dashboard account too, to save on printing and postage costs. Details on how to set that up can be found here.
Select whether to send the letter to the Owner or the Tenant of the property, then choose a letter template from the list. If you haven't added a letter template, you can add one from the Communication Templates section of Mabdeck. Check out our help article on how to do this!
Flag Actions
You can choose to add a flag action to a stage of Credit Control too, which will add a flag to the resident's account page in Mabdeck. This can be used to highlight accounts which have overdue balances, without contacting the resident directly.
Select whether to add the flag to the owner or tenant account, then click Add to save the action to the Credit Control stage.