You may want to change your tariffs in Mabdeck so that you are billing your residents on updated charges. This can be done by ending the active charge and adding in the new one!
Adding an End Date to a charge
An end date can be added to a charge from the Tariffs and Charges section of a Billing Profile. Click View Summary on the Billing Profile where you would like to edit a charge, then click the edit button next to the tariffs and charges section.
Click the edit button next to the charge which will no longer be active, and fill in the Active To date on the form. This will be the last day that the charge should be active for, and the day before you would like your new charge to begin. This might be in the future, if you know in advance of any upcoming tariff changes.
Click the confirm button to save your changes.
Adding the new tariff
Once the old tariff has been ended, you can add a new charge to the billing profile with the new charge rate. Complete the charge form, then click Add Charge to save the new charge to the billing profile. Your Active From date should be the date that you want the new charge to become active.
You can add a new tariff in the future, if you know your new tariff charges and changeover dates in advance.
Any statements that generate which cover a tariff changeover period will automatically take all tariffs into account based on their start and dates. The resident will be billed on the old tariff up to the tariff end date, then on the new tariff from the new tariff start date, so your charges will always be correct regardless of the billing dates on a statement.
Deleting a tariff
A tariff can be deleted if it has not been used on any statements. On the Tariffs and Charges section of the billing profile, click the delete button next to the charge.
Clicking the delete button will delete the charge. If you cannot see a delete button, this is because statements have been raised against the tariff. Reversing the statements which have been raised will allow the tariff to be deleted.
For help on reversing statements, check out our help article here!