Statements can always be reviewed before they are published to Mabdeck and sent out to the residents. We would recommend enabling this! You can enable manual review on the Billing Profile, check out our help article for how to do this.
You may want to check a small percentage of statements after they have generated to ensure that there are no obvious errors. For example, checking that there are no excessive charges or negative gross amounts.
When Statement Review is enabled, statements for your billing run will appear on this page. You'll also be able to see here when a statement which you tried to generate has failed. You can resolve issues with these statements from the Statement Review page so that you can complete the billing run and finish with a full set of statements. Statements will remain in Statement Review until they have been approved or rejected, or until the Billing Run is complete.
Approving Statements from Statement Review
Click the statements tab on the left of the screen, click on the Billing Runs button, then select the billing run you'd like to view statements for. You'll be able to see a list of all statements which have generated, or attempted to generate for this billing run. All statements which are available to approve can be identified by their Ready to Review status.
Click the Review button on a statement record to view it. This will give you the opportunity to check that the statement has rendered correctly, and that the charges generally look correct. We'd recommend reviewing only a small percentage of statements to check that they have generated correctly. You can select items in the Order by dropdown menu, to order your statements by Gross Amount for example, to make sure that no statements have generated for excessive or insufficient usage.
If you're happy that all of your statements are correct, you can approve everything with just the click of a button. Click the Approve All button at the top of the screen (you don't need to select anything) and Mabdeck will automatically approve any statement in the list which is Ready to Review.
You can also select an individual statement or multiple statements to approve, then once your statements are selected click the green Approve All button at the top of the screen. This will approve everything selected, and will tell you exactly how many statements are going to be approved! If you have selected a statement that cannot be approved (e.g. an error statement) then this will just be ignored.
Rejecting Statements from Statement Review
If you find that a statement is incorrect and needs to be rejected, select the statement and click the Reject button on the statement record. You can also click the Reject All button at the top of the screen to reject multiple statements.
When a statement is rejected, it will remain in your list of statements, but the status will be updated to Rejected. If you require the statement again just regenerate the statement from the statements page, and the record will update with the new statement!
Next Steps
If you approve a statement for a resident with a Consumer Dashboard account, their statement will automatically be published once the statement is approved, and they will receive an email to advise that they have a new statement on their account! This statement is now complete and you have no further actions.
For a resident where they do not have access to the online portal, you'll now need to publish the statements so that they are visible on the resident's account. For information on how to do this, click here!