When a statement has been approved for an account which does not have online access, this statement will the need to be published. You can identify one of these statements by their Ready to Publish status and you can find Ready to Publish statements on the Statement Review Page.
Published statements can then be downloaded, printed and sent out to your residents.
Publishing Statements in Statement Review
Click the purple Publish All button on the Statement Review page to publish all statements that have a Ready to Publish status. This will publish all the statements onto the accounts for your residents. You'll know if the publishing has been successful as the status of the statements will updated to Ready to Download.
If you want to publish an individual statement, select the statements you want to publish and click the Publish All button at the top of the screen. Or alternatively, you can click the purple Publish icon on the individual statement itself.
If you find that a Ready to Publish statement is no longer required, or is incorrect, you can still reject the statement at this point by clicking the Reject button.
Downloading Statements
Once you've published statements for accounts which don't have online access, you can download the statements ready to be printed.
Select your output from the dropdown menu at the top of the screen, and click Download All. This will download all Ready to Download statements. If you have downloaded PDF statements, the PDFs which generate can be printed and sent to the residents.
To download an individual statement, select the statement on the page, and click the Download button on the statement record itself.
N.b. If you have no Ready to Download statements, and just want to get an output which contains all statements generated in the billing run, select your output from the dropdown menu and click Download All. This will generate the output for all Completed statements, including for both paper and paperless accounts.
You can also download statements on the Billing Runs page. For more information on how to do that, check out our help article!