A network in Mabdeck is a collection of properties that share the same energy infrastructure. It could be a single high-rise building whose properties all share the same boiler, or a collection of buildings that share a mutual energy centre. Either way, the network itself and the properties it contains will share common attributes that can be defined during setup.
Navigating to networks
Networks can be found in the system configuration menu...
After entering the Networks menu, you will be able to see all existing networks that have been added and you'll see the add network button.
Adding a basic network
After you've clicked the add network button, you can add the basic details for your network and it's properties. Firstly, assign it to a client and give it a name. Then you need to select your network atrributes:
Network type - this option allows you to select whether you want to raise statements (Billing) or one off invoices (Invoice Only) for this network, or to simply use the network for reporting (Reporting) on readings.
Peer Comparison - toggle this setting on or off to include or exclude peer comparison analytics for the network.
Generate mini statement emails - Use this option to toggle on or off mini-statements. When switched on, accounts configured for ebilling will receive an enhanced email that shows their statement balance. If it's off, they will just receive an email advising their bill is ready to download.
Heat cost allocator reset date - You only need to use this option if your network uses heat cost allocators. It will track the annual date that the heat cost allocator reading will reset to zero.
Hub manufacturer - Use this option if you have PAYG hubs installed on your network. After selecting this, you'll have some further details to provide before completing setup.
Once you've configured all your network details, and if you haven't got PAYG hubs, simply click add network to add your new network to your available list in Mabdeck.
Expanded network for PAYG Hubs
If you've selected a PAYG hub provision, you'll need to complete a few more details before adding the network to configure the PAYG settings. If you're just using your hub as a data collector, you can un-check the allow prepayment option to disable PAYG billing. PAYG hub and account handling is not a basic feature in Mabdeck, and you need to have this activated in your license and have accounts with your chosen PAYG hub manufacturer. If you have any questions about this, contact our support team.
If you want the option to operate in PAYG mode, select the option, then provide details on the payment provider and your IIN. You can set new card numbers to automatically generate or require manual entry.
The recovery rate % will allow you to set the percentage of each top up that is allocated to the hubs debt.
What's next?
Now you've added your network, you need to create the properties that exist on that network.