A property on Mabdeck acts as a container for all supplies and meters which are attached to that property. A property should be added to Mabdeck for any residence that you would like to bill. Additionally, if any meter points are required on Mabdeck that will not have statements raised against them, you can add properties to which you can attach a meter and receive your readings.
For example, if you are adding a bulk meter, then you may want to create a property to represent the Plant Room, which will contain your bulk meter supply point and the bulk meter itself.
Adding a Property
A singular property can be added from the properties section of the System Configuration page. Click Add Property to open the setup form.
Choose the client, network and band that you require the property to be attached to, then enter the address details.
You also have the option to add a property reference, this is simply a reference number for the property itself, and something which is relevant to you. You can search for a property based on reference number too!
You can also add in the area of the property at this stage. You may want to add this in just for reference purposes, but if you are planning on adding a capacity charge to the statements, this will be required. For details on how to add a capacity charge, check out our article on billing profiles. Area can be added in square feet, square metres or refrigeration tonnes.
Click the Add Property button to save your property to Mabdeck, it will then appear in the list of properties on the System Configuration page.
Uploading Multiple Properties?
If you're uploading multiple properties all in one go, we don't expect you to add them individually from the System Configuration page. Instead, you can use a bulk import spreadsheet to upload a lot of data into the system, saving you admin work.
Our bulk import spreadsheets can be found on the second tab of the Mabdeck menu. Click on Properties to download a template. For more information on bulk importing data, check out our help article.
Next Steps
Now that all of your properties have been uploaded, you can add your supply points!